But, the one thing I've had to quit that I really hate are my book clubs. I just don't have the time for a full length novel of their choice, then take a night off to attend a meeting.
So, my awesome friend and writing partner, Becky Lees, and I have decided to start our own online book club - for novellas only. Yes, in three weeks I can get a novella read, then I can spend an entire week posting for discussion. Lots of time, lots of freedom, lots more fun than me droning on and on about my writing woes.
We'd love for you to join us! No pressure, there's enough of that out there. If you wanna read what we are reading, pop in, if you don't, catch us next month.
Here's the link and we hope to see you there: http://shortandsexybookclub.blogspot.com/